Wednesday, February 9, 2011

February 9, 2011

Hello Friends,
Sorry its been silent on this blog this past week, but honestly until today there was nothing to report as an update.
Last week Margaret had further testing including a bone biopsy (not a pleasant test), and a much simpler MUGA test.
Today, all the test results were in and we had the long awaited appointment at Memorial Sloan-Kettering. I must be honest its hard not to be completely impressed with this wonderful institution and all the doctors, nurses, techs and everyone who works there. We are so lucky to have a place such as this right in our backyard. At the appointment Dr Goldfarb informed Margaret that the bone biopsy did indeed show a few cancer cells already in the bone; she then went on to talk about treatment options and clinical trials that are currently being offered. Margaret and the doctor are excited about her participating in a clinical trial. As part of the Clinical Trial she will receive not only the usual course of medication for Margaret's particular cancer but an additional medication will be added to the cocktail. This new drug is showing great potential therefore, not only is it a good thing for Margaret but for cancer research as well. Taking part and being accepted into the clinical trial however, means a few more tests must be done prior to starting chemo. Therefore, today there was more blood work, and this coming Monday she will have another CT and Echo. Hopefully all will be in order before next Wednesday-Feb 16th, when Margaret will see Dr Goldfarb again. Hopefully at that time treatment will begin that same day! If by chance not all the data is in quite yet then chemo will begin the following Wednesday. (Feb 23).
Next up date Feb 16, 2011. Until then keep praying that tests and results go smoothly and that Margaret is accepted into the trial. Pray too that she responds well and positively to this treatment and will be able to be part of this study for a long, long time to come.
Thank you and blessings to all!


  1. The journey continues a journey that is less about cancer and more about relationships with God mine and the folk around me both near and far. This in itself promises to be a very interesting journey. This week has been about accepting his love and saying thanks for all the blessings connected to that love. I thank God for all your prayers.

  2. Dear Margaret, Praying for you tonight before I go to bed. I pray that God continue to bless and protect you. Continue to love yourself and know that so many others in this world love you, too. Peace, jer...

    "I am never less alone than when I am alone. When people are around I find it a little difficult to find Jesus. As soon as I am away from others, Jesus is there and all is at peace." - Thomas Merton
