Thursday, February 3, 2011

February 3, 2011

Greetings Supporters and Pray-ers:
Margaret's appointment yesterday at Memorial Sloan-Kettering went very well. Margaret liked the young and vibrant energy of Dr. Goldfarb and felt she communicated a clear and real understanding of the next steps in this process. Margaret also had blood work done and the beginning of her cardiac workup. That said ~ Margaret will be having a bone biopsy early tomorrow morning at Mt. Sinai and then will head over to Sloan in the afternoon to continue and hopefully finish the cardiac workup which will clear her to begin Chemotherapy within the next week or two. It will take several days for the bone biopsy results to be completed so hopefully by next week at this time we will have clearance and the protocol to begin the treatment part of this journey. Thank you again for all your loving support and the many prayers offered.

In His Grace and Peace,


  1. Thank you Lorraine for the updates. Good to hear that things are moving smoothly and quickly, and thank God for Dr. Goldfarb's good energy. I pray that you are all safe and hopefully warm. It was -20 here in New Mexico this a.m., but sunny:-)) Margaret, I'm thinking of you and praying for you. Know that God is with you and he will be giving you extra strength during your biopsy tomorrow and sustain you throughout this part of your journey. With love, jer...

  2. All was well we got to Sloan shortly after 11. There was a quiet peace settled over the waiting room. Met with a brilliant young oncologist who spoke about the options available if the cancer is at stage 3. She also laid out options for living with cancer if it turns out to be stage 4. Lot of info to process and yes there were a few tears after the visit. Things are moving forward rather quickly so I am happy. God is truly guiding this ship so indeed all shall be well, all manner of things shall be well. A trip to Dylan’s and dinner at Mono Mono formerly Mad for Chicken capped the day.

  3. Margaret and Lorraine, just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you and praying for you each day. Peace, jer...
