Saturday, January 29, 2011

January 29, 2011

Yesterday, Friday January 28th, Margaret and her entourage went to Mt Sinai Hospital. We arrived at 1 o'clock and just as planned we managed to pick up the copies of her records, films and slides in the various locations of the huge hospital complex and still get ourselves to the waiting room to meet the oncologist Doctor Adelson on time! Like everyone so far, Dr. Adelson was just wonderful. Unfortunately, the consult appointment did not necessarily provide us the information we were hoping for. The PET/CT scan results proved inconclusive, so further testing (MRI and a bone biopsy) to rule out stage lV have been ordered. True to the amazing speed at which things have been moving along Margaret had the MRI done immediately. Margaret's good friend John was able to run her record copies over to Sloan-Kettering while I waited for Margaret to emerge from the MRI. Next week we will have the results of the MRI, get the second opinion from Sloan-Kettering, and perhaps have or be scheduled for the biopsy, cardiac work-up, and another PET scan.

Thank you for your prayers and support, keep those prayers rising!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you Margaret and you too, Lorraine. Know that God is with you. Stay warm:-) jer...
