Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March 9, 2011 - Ash Wednesday

Greetings Good Friends and Pray-ers:

Today Margaret was scheduled for her 3rd chemotherapy appointment at MSK. On our way to the appointment Margaret and I first stopped at St Mary the Virgin at Times Square ( ) for noon worship, Eucharist and ashes. It was such a wonderful blessing to start today with the affirmation that though we are sinners we are so very loved. It is such a comfort to hear and know that our sins are wiped away and that there is such a deep joy in Jesus' saving help and grace.

So with that comfort we headed off to MSK for the completion of Margaret's first cycle of chemo!

Margaret's chemotherapy protocol cycle is three weeks long. The first appointment, or week one of a cycle, includes a doctor appointment and then an infusion of three different chemotherapy drugs which takes about 3 to 4 hours. Then the two subsequent weeks one chemotherapy drug is infused; therefore the appointment time is shorter, lasting about 1.5 hours.

Today when we arrived at MSK we were met by her sister Jackie and we chatted away while awaiting our turn. Finally, some time later, Margaret was called and lead into her room and was, as usual, pampered. With a warm blanket and a warm compress soon Margaret was sound and fast asleep (effect of the Benadryl). During this time I myself pretend to read but am usually bouncing between moments of sleep myself and prayer that these wonderful drugs are doing what they are meant to do.

When the infusion was over she was joyfully met by her loving and wonderful son Chris and daughter-in-law Nicole and handsomely adorable grandson Carter for a car ride home. I personally cannot express how deeply it warms my heart so completely to know and see how loved and supported Margaret is.

Next Wednesday Cycle#2 begins. First with a doctor appointment, followed by more blood work and then the longer chemo session of three drugs rather than one, followed by even more blood work!
On Thursday Margaret will be undergoing another lympnode biopsy to double check that her cancer is in fact HER2+.

On another note Margaret's side effects from the chemotherapy drugs were minimal this cycle and certainly we give thanks, a great thanksgiving for that gift. Personally, I pray that this great blessing continues and I humbly ask you join me in that prayer.

Thank you all for your love, support, cards, phone calls, emails and especially for your prayers.

peace and all good,


  1. It's good to hear that things are going according to plan. Margaret, you are in my prayers each morning. Spending time with God in prayer each day -- having the chance to pray that God hold you in his hands and tell him how grateful I am to be able to pray for you in this way. I think it was C.S. Lewis that said "“What saves a man is to take a step. Then another step.” Dear Margaret, just keep taking a step, one after another. Peace and love to you and Lorraine. Jer...

  2. Thank you for this beautiful update, it is amazing to be able to walk with you, into the hospital, into the room. My heart is incredibly grateful that Margaret is met in such a caring manner, the detail about the warm blanket makes me tear up. I am touched that there is kindness like that in this world. Glad too of the little glimpses of the beautiful family who holds Margaret in their arms and hearts every step of the way. My love reaches out into that mix of concern and hope and prayer and thanksgiving. Margaret - may you have a truly blessed Lent!

  3. After yesterday's chemo so far so good just a minor side effect the usual. Usually some discomfort at the tumor sites 4 or 5 days after treatment but nothing requiring pain meds and some joint discomfort again not requiring pain meds. So all in all I am doing far better than I expected on the chemo front. Shared with my sister I was a little down this evening and she reminded that we all have down days even without cancer. Didn't stop me from eating first guacamole and chips and then grilled chicken with artichokes and asparagus broccoli and carrots. Desert will be watermelon in a few moments. So keep the prayers going I am doing well. May you all have a blessed Lent. Thanks for all the prayers which translate as love to me. Peace
