Thursday, May 19, 2011

God's Sense of Humor

God has a great sense of humor and finds very original ways so I do not forget his lessons. A few days ago I received a lovely card from Monica telling me she loved me and wanted me to be reminded she is praying for me daily. I recognized what a dear friend Monica is and then I remarked thank you God for showing me how to care for the sick so when this is past I will know how to love your children who are sick in deed and action. You see I am surrounded by such a circle of love it is truly truly remarkable. I shared this with Val at Chemo yesterday and I really believed that was the lesson attached to that card but there was more to it. This is when God’s sense of humor surfaced. I asked Val and John to look in my back-pack and hand me my bottle of water. They asked did I want it opened and my response was no. So with my left hand in the nurse's, as she was putting in the line, I placed the bottle between my legs and with the numb fingers on my right hand I opened the bottle and you can guess what happened, yes water all down the front of my pants. After much giggling and plenty paper towels I fell asleep. I woke later for my trip to the bathroom with my date (the IV pole). I pulled down the pants and they were wetter and colder on my legs than I thought they should be. So there I am in the bathroom having a conversation with God about that wicked sense of humor. Out loud I said You knew that recliners are tilted backwards, you could have reminded me the water would flow backwards but no. My lesson was to not only to ask for help but was to accept it when offered and not to deflect any of the love sent my way. There is nothing like walking to the subway on a rainy day with a wet bottom to cement a lesson in one's memory. I thank Monica for the lovely card which God used to teach me some valuable lessons. The first phase of my treatment is winding down with three more chemo sessons left. My oncologist is pleased with the progress so far. The next phase will be determined at the end of my last session. I thank you all for this circle of love around me and ask that you continue to keep me in your prayers. God bless you my sisters and brothers. Peace